Sequester Semester

Sequester Semester


hello sweet beings...

summer days are stretching...

light wanes and nights come quicker and more full...


i been thinking: there isn’t any such thing as “back” to school because we never really go back (even when we want to or think we do)—it’s always different, always new. so i been playing with that notion of coming falls...


and it does seem like the season makes possible a fall into more regular job hours and teaching and school and other many things starting “again” after the little breath that is the summer in the northern hemisphere...


so i invite you to S  E  Q  U  E  S  T  E  R     S  E  M  E  S  T  E  R, a semester-long (ish) series of sessions aimed at tending your creative fire, honoring the creative gift you came here to give, even as your responsibilities and obligations start up again or intensify or both...


think of it as part creative critique, part song for what is good, part collective resistance to the oppressions encoded in capital and education, part seeds for what needs the dark soil to grow, part way finding, part together knowing, part joy tending...and more.



S  E  Q  U  E  S  T  E  R     S  E  M  E  S  T  E  R


the original meaning of the term sequester is “to place in safekeeping”


this series of sessions explores what happens if you place in safekeeping




time for yourself,

time for your creativity,

time for the project you know your soul wants to give this planet,

time for your own deep nourishment,

time for your resourcing,

time to feel all the feels

time for...



this gathering of sweefires begins

wednesday, september 21st, 2022


11:00am to 12:30pm PST


7 workshop sessions (90min each)

interspersed with

6 practice sessions (60min each)

to give participants time to try the intentions the workshops propose


all workshop sessions will be recorded



dates are:

21 september: workshop

28 september: practice

5 october: workshop

12 october: practice

19 october: workshop

26 october: practice

2 november: workshop

9 november: practice

16 november: workshop

23 november: practice

30 november: workshop

7 december: practice

14 december: last workshop



$444 can be paid through Venmo or PayPal



if this number scares you, me too!

4s can be scary!

but they collapse into 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 }

1 + 2 = 3!

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